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What is Net-Zero?

Net-zero occurs when an organization reduces their greenhouse gas emissions through reduction and removal projects, bringing their emissions as close to zero and eliminating it as much as possible.

Why is it important to achieve Net-Zero?

Achieving net-zero is essential for mitigating the worst impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss. To stabilize global temperatures, the amount of GHGs added to the atmosphere must equal the amount taken out.

How is Net-Zero achieved?

Achieving net-zero involves a comprehensive approach that includes reducing existing emissions and enhancing or implementing mechanisms to remove GHGs from the atmosphere. Reaching net-zero emissions can involve the following strategies:

  1. Calculating current Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and setting a baseline and targets
  2. Developing a roadmap and concrete strategies towards net-zero emissions
  3. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy 
  4. Implementing energy-efficient technologies and less carbon-intensive processes
  5. Using sustainable materials.
  6. Reforestation and conservation of existing forests and other important ecosystems.
  7. Offsetting emissions when they cannot be completely eliminated

What is the difference between Carbon Neutral and Net-Zero?

Carbon Neutral and Net-Zero are terms often used interchangeably as both aim to reduce and balance greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon neutrality focuses on balancing out carbon emissions through offsets or reduction programs. On the other hand, net-zero means that the organization has eliminated greenhouse gas emissions through more structural and deeper reductions, with offsets used if needed. Net-zero emissions also generally refers to the balance and reduction of all greenhouse gasses.

Need help with other sustainability questions? 

Keslio is an international sustainability advisory that helps companies and investors navigate their sustainability journey. We support our clients through various services, such as strategy development and implementation, reporting and communications, and greenhouse gas emissions calculations.

We’re passionate about supporting business leaders and their companies with sustainability and ESG and we’d love to help you. To talk to us and find out what Keslio can do for you, please use the section below to contact us, or email us at hello@keslio.com.


KeslioX is an independent resource platform to equip companies and investors with the crucial knowledge, resources, and insights needed to navigate the complex landscape of sustainability and ESG.

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