Revitalize and recover essential food and agriculture systems

At Keslio, we help food and agriculture companies build resilient food systems and reduce their impact on nature and climate.

Food and Agriculture

From farming and livestock breeding to the processing, packaging, and distribution of food products, the food and agriculture sector is crucial for global food security and nutritional needs.
What are the opportunities and challenges for the industry?
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The food and agriculture industry impacts environmental sustainability, affecting land use, water management, and biodiversity. Sustainable practices can significantly reduce the sector's carbon footprint and enhance food security without exacerbating environmental degradation as the world continues to be challenged by climate change.

What can business leaders do to practice sustainability?
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Food and agriculture companies should start adopting sustainable farming techniques such as regenerative agriculture, precision farming, and organic production can lead to more resilient food systems. The sector can lead innovations in sustainable food production and distribution, contributing to global food security and environmental conservation.

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Are you finding it challenging to map out your sustainability strategy?


Are you looking for a more efficient way to implement various sustainability initiatives?
an arrow landing on its target


Are you finding it difficult to communicate your sustainability performance?

Strengthen your sustainability initiatives

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Integrate sustainability across the company

Leverage our sustainability expertise to embed sustainability in your company, upskill your teams on sustainable practices, and achieve your goals and targets.
Fractional Sustainability Team
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Measure and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions

Our team can support you in calculating your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to help you comply with regulations, improve your performance, and build stronger relationships with stakeholders.
GHG Emissions Calculations
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team meeting

Report your sustainability performance

Effectively convey your sustainability story. We help you engage with your stakeholders while complying with reporting requirements and frameworks.
Reporting and Communications
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Strengthen your reputation as a business

Navigate the process of securing sustainability ratings and certifications with confidence. Our team will take you through each step and help you improve your performance for an effortless application.
Ratings and Certifications
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KeslioX is an independent resource platform to equip companies and investors with the crucial knowledge, resources, and insights needed to navigate the complex landscape of sustainability and ESG.

Discover what Keslio can do for you

Go the extra mile in your sustainability journey by partnering with our team