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Greening Spaces: A Look into Green Architecture Practices

Keslio Team
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September 3, 2024
An illustration of a green grid city.
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The concrete jungle is a term that joins modernity and nature, creating an urban space dominated by buildings and devoid of greenery. It constructs an environment that may seem intimidating and competitive, with its tight corners and distinct use of glass and gray. The concrete jungle is an image of the contemporary urban landscape. Like the way human life has progressed, the concrete jungle also seeks transformation, a new iteration similar to how its name unites modern life and nature.

Green architecture envisions urban spaces as a convergence of modern living and the sustainable future by designing environments and spaces that generate the lowest possible impact on the environment. Green architecture also connects to the need for green spaces, for urban areas rich in greenery and vegetation. Through greening urban spaces, developers are able to mitigate negative impacts through resource and energy efficiency. Beyond its environmental impact, green architecture transforms society. Through green architecture and green spaces, cities are able to strip away the constraints of the stereotypical urban jungle and build spaces that improve quality of life and foster community.

Greening urban spaces and building green are great leaps towards a sustainable ideal future.

Why do we need green architecture?

The future of architecture and the construction industry is geared towards sustainability. The UN Environment Programme in 2023 stated that buildings and the construction industry account for 37% of global emissions. Thus, developers are challenged to remodel current practices and resources into sustainable alternatives that satisfy developers, end-users, and parties concerned about the impact the industry brings towards the environment. 

Green architecture improves the quality of life of its inhabitants and users, from having improved work performance and health benefits due to better lighting, temperature, and air quality. Spaces may also be designed ergonomically, thus giving users a more comfortable experience.

Outside of improving user satisfaction, green architecture also benefits developers and owners as it cuts down on costs and allows them to make a better impact on the environment. Green architecture values resource efficiency. This provides security as it protects and preserves valued resources for future projects and generations. In addition to resource efficiency, green architecture cuts down on maintenance and operational costs due to better and more efficient systems and technologies in place.

Green architecture and the use of green materials, renewable energy, and efficient systems creates an environment made to last. Through green architecture, end users like families and workers are able to live sustainably and secure themselves a better future.

How do we green spaces?

How can we redefine and redesign the concrete jungle? We’ve listed a few practices that embrace sustainability and create greener and more sustainable spaces.

Low-impact Building Materials

Utilizing recycled, renewable, and sustainably harvested materials is a key component of green architecture. This includes reducing waste through efficient construction practices and recycling construction debris. Through sustainable construction and the use of eco-friendly materials like bamboo, recycled steel, reclaimed lumber, and low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints, costs may be cut down and developers are able to be more efficient in managing and sharing resources with others. 

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Renewable energy improves energy efficiency and resiliency. This also helps reduce emissions. Buildings designed to consume minimal energy leverage natural resources through the use of solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and advanced building materials that provide better insulation.

Solar energy is one of the most common forms of renewable energy. Green architecture can make use of passive and active techniques to harness solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic cells and solar thermal collectors to harness energy. On the other hand, passive solar techniques take advantage of the climate to maintain a comfortable temperature in the home. However, when using this technique, it is important to consider the orientation of the building to maximize natural light and heat, the utilization of thermal mass to stabilize temperature fluctuations, and the natural ventilation pathways to cool buildings during hotter seasons.

Beyond the use of solar energy, buildings may also incorporate wind turbines, geothermal heating systems, and biomass energy solutions to increase resiliency and further reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Green Roofs and Walls

Green roofs are partially or completely covered with vegetation, which helps in insulating the building, reducing rainwater runoff, and enhancing air quality. In addition, green walls, or vertical gardens, can help in thermal insulation and air purification, contributing significantly to urban biodiversity.

Natural Ventilation and Daylighting

Design strategies such as the placement of windows, skylights, and atriums can optimize natural daylight and reduce artificial lighting needs. Natural ventilation is achieved through the strategic placement of windows, vents, and openings, which helps in reducing the energy consumption associated with heating, cooling, and air conditioning.

The Sustainable Urban Future

The concrete jungle is transforming and moving towards green spaces that allow more room to breathe in better air and find comfort in a sustainable future. Green architecture represents a profound shift in the way we conceive of and construct our living environments. It embodies a comprehensive approach that integrates building functionality with environmental stewardship, economic viability, and social responsibility. As the world continues to grapple with environmental challenges, green architecture rebuilds the concrete jungle and becomes a critical element in building a healthier, more sustainable world.

At Keslio, we are deeply passionate about sustainability, equipping us with the expertise and extensive network needed to guide clients through their sustainability journey effectively and efficiently. Our expertise is particularly valuable for companies looking to embed sustainability practices into their businesses and investors looking to integrate ESG and impact into investment portfolios. To learn more about how Keslio can assist your organization on its sustainability journey, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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